So, as teens how do we take that first step to save money? Well for starters, habbit forming is key.
Back when we were younger, the only habbit I had was waking up early in the morning at 4 O’ clock just to grind my character in Maple Story. So essentially I had no good habbits .
But success in anything is all about forming good habbits and sticking to them .
According to a quick Google search (lol), a habbit takes about 21 days to form, after that you probably don’t have to force yourself to do it.
As youths, most of us have little to no expenses to pay off. So essentially, this is the best time for us to start saving money.
Of course, this is not as easy as it sounds, evident from that dude that always lends money from you. ( and never pays back) ( we all have that friend)
A tip that I’ve been using for myself is to set up 2 banking accounts, and set up standing orders to automatically transfer money to my savings account. That way, everything is automated I don’t feel the pinch as compared to doing it manually.
Another thing that I’ve been doing is to save a specific value of money. I’ve been saving $1 and $0.50 coins for over a year now, and since it’s habbit I do it without much thought.
After a year, you probably have enough money to start growing your nest egg (AKA Cash Stash).